Advertising & Promotion of high quality *Studios around the world.
1. Creation of *Studio Profile.
2. Creation of the Owner's Profile, as well as for the rest *Studio's members. Member-1, Member-2 and so on.
3. Every single project has its owner and additionally, all the projects are linked to the *Studio's Page.
1. *Studio must have at least a workforce of 2 people.
2. 5+ of your projects must fit our *Quality Standards.
3. A nice web place in which you present your work.
If your *Studio meets these requirements, please SEND US your material and we will notify you of the approval.
The benefits of a *Studio are:
1. Home Page random visibility.
2. Fast approval - promotion on AD website and all of our Social media.
3. Banner with random spot on all AD pages and a direct link to your website.
4. Slideshow promotion on the main *Studios Page.
*IMPORTANT NOTE. Some of the *Studios will be promoted randomly with the banner while the rest with the spot player.
5. Free Job Adverts. One free Jobs announcement/Year.
Payments are also possible through a Bank Transfer.
For any possible query you might have, do not hesitate to CONTACT US!